How To Use This Site
How To Use This Site
This blog was updated on a daily basis for about two years, with those daily entries ceasing on December 31, 2013. The blog is still active, however, and we hope that people stopping in, who find something lacking, will add to the daily entries.
The blog still receives new posts as well, but now it receives them on items of Wyoming history. That has always been a feature of the blog, but Wyoming's history is rich and there are many items that are not fully covered here, if covered at all. Over time, we hope to remedy that.
You can obtain an entire month's listings by hitting on the appropriate month below, or an individual day by hitting on that calendar date. Use 2013 for the search date, as that's the day regular dates were established and fixed.
We hope you enjoy this site.
Friday, February 21, 2025
Wednesday, December 18, 2024
Entry Updates, 2024.
January 19, 2024. End of Sports Illustrated.
January 20, 1924. Sheridan County Sheriff's removal.
January 24, 1924. Teapot Dome Scandal breaks.
January 24, 1944. Rendering skunk fat.
January 28, 1924. Teapot Dome Scandal
January 28, 1944. Cold War warning.
January 28, 2014. Hill decision and Barack Obama State of the Union address.
February 2, 1924. Gun battle at Lysite and the Teapot Dome Scandal.
February 5, 1924. Additional details on the death of Carey, update on Wilson.
February 8, 1924. The Teapot Dome Scandal.
February 9, 1944 Gambling and vice in Casper.
February 10, 1944. Troops at Ft. F.E. Warren.
February 12, 2024. State of the State and State of the Judiciary.
February 13, 1924. Police corruption in Casper.
February 16, 1944. Senator Mahoney predicts early end to war.
March 8, 2024. State of the Union address.
March 21, 1874. Home On The Range published.
March 31, 1924. Closing rooming houses in the Sandbar and fishing.
April 28, 1914. Colorado Coalfield War.
April 29, 1924. Townsend Building Fire.
May 16, 1924 Harry Yount passes.
May 31, 2024 Midwest High School's 100th Class
June 1, 1914. NCHS graduating class and its notable members.
June 17, 1944. B-24 crashes on Casper Mountain.
Monday, November 27, 2023
Entry Updates, 2023
January 2: 2022, Inaugurations.
February 27, 1973. Wounded Knee.
March 29, 1973. Expanded entry on Vietnam, U.S. Price controls.
April 14, 1923. The KKK visits Casper Churches.
June 5, 1923. North Casper to be incorporated into Casper.
June 23, 1923. Somewhere West of Laramie.
June 25, 1923. Harding in Cheyenne and Laramie, KKK in Glenrock.
July 16, 1923. Special legislative session convenes.
July 19, 1923. Special legislative session ends.
July 23, 1923. Flooding in Natrona County.
July 25, 1923. Flooding at Thermopolis.
July 27, 1923. Casper to become Tulsa.
August 2, 1923. Death of Warren G. Harding.
August 29, 1923. Peaks in Teton's scaled.
September 22, 1923. Henning Hotel robbed.
September 27, 1923. Cole Creek railroad disaster updated.
October 12, 1973 President Nixon authorizes an act that will lead to the Arab Oil Embargo.
October 18, 1973. Oil embargo nears.
October 19, 1973. Oil embargo spreads.\
November 11, 1943. Girl Scouts at Heart Mountain.
November 22, 1963. Kennedy's assassination.
Wednesday, February 1, 2023
Today In Wyoming's History: 2023 Wyoming Legislature. Anti Historical Site Bill.
2023 Wyoming Legislature. Anti Historical Site Bill.
A bill to make it more difficult to designate historical sites has been introduced in the legislature.
Local government approval for historic site designations.
Sponsored by: Representative(s) Storer
AN ACT relating to state historic sites; requiring the board of land commissioners to provide notice and to obtain consent from counties, cities or towns before making a historic site designation as specified; providing requirements; and providing for an effective date.
Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Wyoming:
Section 1. W.S. 36‑8‑108 is created to read:
36‑8‑108. Designation of state historic sites; requirements.
After designation by the legislature but before any official designation is made for a state historical site when the property to be designated belongs to a county, city or town, the board of land commissioners shall obtain consent from the board of county commissioners or the local governing body of the city or town where the proposed state historical site is located. The board of county commissioners or the local governing body of a city or town shall be given not less than thirty (30) days written notice before the site is designated as a state historic site. After notice is given and the notice period has passed, if no objection is made, consent to the designation of the historic site shall be presumed.
Section 2. This act is effective immediately upon completion of all acts necessary for a bill to become law as provided by Article 4, Section 8 of the Wyoming Constitution.
As this has a single sponsor, it likely will go nowhere, but its purpose is hard to understand. Something being designated a historical site, contrary to widespread popular belief, doesn't commit private parties to anything.
Saturday, December 24, 2022
Updates, October-December, 2022.
November 3, 1942. The Election of 1942.
November 7, 1922. The Election of 1922.
Thursday, November 3, 2022
Updates for July-August, 2022
Tuesday, June 14, 2022
Updates for January through June, 2022
Friday, December 31, 2021
Updates for October, 2021
October 6, 2021. Governor Gordon visits US/Mexico border.
October 28, 2021. Eula Kendrick and Rosa-Maye Kendrick photographed in Washington D. C.
November 8, 1921. Chief Plenty Coups photographed in Washington D. C.
November 11, 1921. Dedication of Tomb of Unknown Soldier updated.
November 14, 1921. Item on Jack Taylor updated.
November 18, 1921. Congress outlaws beer.
November 20, 1941. Thanksgiving Day.
November 23, 1921. Generally updated.
December 28, 1921. Large prohibition raid added.
Thursday, June 24, 2021
Friday, April 9, 2021
Thursday, March 11, 2021
Tuesday, February 23, 2021
Thursday, January 21, 2021
Thursday, November 12, 2020
Friday, October 16, 2020
Updates for August and September, 2020
August 5, 2020. Wyoming's rig count goes to zero for only the second time since 1884.
August 5, 2020. Goshen County Commission condemns the State's Coronavirus restrictions as overblown.
August 4, 2020. Mills, Wyoming declared to be a city.
August 9, 1920. Photographs added.
August 15, 1920. St. Anthony of Padua Church dedicated in Casper.
Thursday, July 9, 2020
Thursday, May 28, 2020
Updates for April and May, 2020
April 9, 2020. Governor Gordon asks for Federal disaster declaration and proclaims April 10 a Day of Prayer.
April 10, 2020. Day of Prayer due to Coronavirus Pandemic.
May 15, 2020. Special Legislative Session.
May 22, 1920. Reports of Carranza's assassination.
May 22, 2020. Flags ordered at half staff for Coronavirus victims.
May 27, 2020 Governor Gordon modifies quarantine orders and cancellation of rodeos.
Saturday, March 28, 2020
Updates for March, 2020
March 1, 1920: Railroads revert to civilian control and novel by Caroline Lockhart his the screen.
March 11, 2020. President Trump addressed the nation on the Coronavirus.
March 13, 2020 President Trump and Governor Gordon declare state of emergency.
March 16, 2020. Diocese of Cheyenne suspends public Masses due to the Coronavirus.
March 19, 1920. Newspapers added.
March 19, 2020 Governor Gordon orders certain businesses closed due to Covid-19
March 24, 2020. Governor Gordon issues his third closure order.
March 25, 2020. Governor Gordon suggests that Wyomingites stay at home, Colorado and Idaho issue stay at home orders.
March 26, 2020. The Governor of Montana issues a stay at home order.
March 27, 2020. Governor Gordon extends the State of Emergency.
March 28, 1920 Typhus outbreak in Casper.
Tuesday, February 25, 2020
Updates for January and February, 2020
2. January 2, 1920. Palmer Raids.
3. January 10, 1920. End of World War One, Wyoming soldier in Siberia.
4. January 14, 1920. Materials added on early air tragedy.
5. January 12, 1995. Wolves reintroduced to Yellowstone National Park.
6. January 17, 1920. Item on Prohibition.
7. January 20, 1920. Bert Cole back in the air.
8. January 26, 1920. Murder in Natrona County and feeding elk in Teton County
9. January 28, 1920. Robert Carey signs 19th Amendment ratification.
10. February 4, 2020. State of the Union Address added.
11. February 5, 2020. Senate votes to acquit President Trump added.
12. February 10, 2020. 2020 Legislature convenes, State of the State Address delivered.
13. February 25, 1920. Material added on Oil Leasing Act.
Thursday, December 19, 2019
Updates for November and December, 2019
2. November 2, 1919. Birth of E. G. Meyer added.
3. November 3. St. Hubert's Day added.
4. November 6, 1919. American Indian veterans offered citizenship added.
5. November 11, 1919. Armistice Day item added.
6. November 14, 1969. Apollo 12 launched.
7. November 17 and 17, 1919. Carlisle escape from penitentiary.
8. November 19, 1919. Newspapers added on Carlisle train robbery.
9. November 20, 1919. Newspapers added on Carlisle.
10. November 21, 1919. Newspapers and commentary on Carlisle.
11. November 28, 1919. Newspaper added on Carlisle.
12. December 1, 1969. Lottery system for conscription.
13 December 2, 1919. Newspapers and text on Carlisle, State of the Union address.
14. December 3, 1919. Newspapers and text on Carlisle.
15. December 6, 1919. Newspaper added on possible resumption of war with Germany.
16. December 10, 1919. Newspaper on schools closing in Casper due to lack of heating coal added.
17. December 17, 1919. Photograph of Vernon Baker added.
18. December 18, 2019. Articles of Impeachment item added.