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How To Use This Site
This blog was updated on a daily basis for about two years, with those daily entries ceasing on December 31, 2013. The blog is still active, however, and we hope that people stopping in, who find something lacking, will add to the daily entries.
The blog still receives new posts as well, but now it receives them on items of Wyoming history. That has always been a feature of the blog, but Wyoming's history is rich and there are many items that are not fully covered here, if covered at all. Over time, we hope to remedy that.
You can obtain an entire month's listings by hitting on the appropriate month below, or an individual day by hitting on that calendar date. Use 2013 for the search date, as that's the day regular dates were established and fixed.
Alternatively, the months are listed immediately below, with the individual days appearing backwards (oldest first).
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Showing posts with label Heart Mountain. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Heart Mountain. Show all posts
Saturday, January 16, 2021
Wednesday, December 18, 2013
December 18
1777 Congress declared a Thanksgiving Day following the British surrender at Saratoga.
1871 A bill providing for the establishment of Yellowstone National Park was introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives.
1871 A bill providing for the establishment of Yellowstone National Park was introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives.
1890 Thursday, December 18, 1890. No booze for the faculty.
1915 The Capital Avenue Theater in Cheyenne was destroyed by fire. Attribution: Wyoming State Historical Society.
1929 Former Territorial Governor George Baxter White died in New York City. He held office for only one month.
1933 Joseph C. O'Mahoney appointed U.S. Senator following the death of John B. Kendrick. He would actually take office on January 1, 1934.
1944 The Governor of Oklahoma predicted that Mississippi and Wyoming had the brightest oil related futures in the nation. Attribution. Wyoming State Historical Society.
1944 U.S. Supreme Court upholds the wartime internment of U.S. Citizens of Japanese extraction, which would of course include those interned at Heart Mountain, Wyoming.
1966 Fritiof Fryxell, first Teton Park naturalist, died. Attribution. Wyoming State Historical Society.
1998 A fire Newcastle, WY, destroys four century old buildings. Attribution. On This Day .com.
2008 Gatua wa Mbugwa, a Kenyan, delivers the first dissertation every delivered in Gikuyu, at the University of Wyoming. The topic was in plant sciences.
2014. Nebraska and Oklahoma filed a petition with the United States Supreme Court seeking to have leave to sue Colorado on a Constitutional basis.regarding Colorado's state legalization of marijuana. The basis of their argument is that Colorado's action violates the United States Constitution by ignoring the supremacy nature of Federal provisions banning marijuana.
While an interesting argument, my guess is that this will fail, as the Colorado action, while flying in the face of Federal law, does exist in an atmosphere in which the Federal government has ceased enforcing the law itself.
2019 The United States House of Representatives approved Articles of Impeachment against President Donald Trump.
1915 The Capital Avenue Theater in Cheyenne was destroyed by fire. Attribution: Wyoming State Historical Society.
1929 Former Territorial Governor George Baxter White died in New York City. He held office for only one month.
1933 Joseph C. O'Mahoney appointed U.S. Senator following the death of John B. Kendrick. He would actually take office on January 1, 1934.
1944 The Governor of Oklahoma predicted that Mississippi and Wyoming had the brightest oil related futures in the nation. Attribution. Wyoming State Historical Society.
1944 U.S. Supreme Court upholds the wartime internment of U.S. Citizens of Japanese extraction, which would of course include those interned at Heart Mountain, Wyoming.
1966 Fritiof Fryxell, first Teton Park naturalist, died. Attribution. Wyoming State Historical Society.
1998 A fire Newcastle, WY, destroys four century old buildings. Attribution. On This Day .com.
2008 Gatua wa Mbugwa, a Kenyan, delivers the first dissertation every delivered in Gikuyu, at the University of Wyoming. The topic was in plant sciences.
2014. Nebraska and Oklahoma filed a petition with the United States Supreme Court seeking to have leave to sue Colorado on a Constitutional basis.regarding Colorado's state legalization of marijuana. The basis of their argument is that Colorado's action violates the United States Constitution by ignoring the supremacy nature of Federal provisions banning marijuana.
While an interesting argument, my guess is that this will fail, as the Colorado action, while flying in the face of Federal law, does exist in an atmosphere in which the Federal government has ceased enforcing the law itself.
2019 The United States House of Representatives approved Articles of Impeachment against President Donald Trump.
Monday, November 11, 2013
November 11. Veterans Day
Today is Veterans Day in the United States.
Today is Remembrance Day in Canada, and similar holidays in many other countries.
Today is also Polish Independence Day, commemorating the restoration of Polish independence on this day in 1918.
Today is also the Memorial of St. Martin of Tours, 316-397, the Patron Saint of Horsemen.
St. Martin, it should be noted, had been a Roman officer, albeit a reluctant one, who took up that position due to the insistence of his family. He's famously depicted on horseback, giving his cloak to a naked figure he encountered en route. He left the Roman military to become a priest, and ultimately became a Bishop.
St. Martin's feast day used to be celebrated in Poland in a manner which included baking horseshoe cookies "for his horse". The recipe:
1 cup butter or margarine
1/2 cup confectioners' (powdered) sugar
2 teaspoons vanilla
2 cups sifted all-purpose flour
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 cup quick-cooking rolled oats, uncooked
Makes three dozen cookies.
Cream butter or margarine; add sugar gradually while continuing to cream; beat until fluffy. Stir in vanilla, flour, and salt. Blend in rolled oats. Roll out about 1/4 inch thick on lightly floured board. Cut in strips 6 inches long and 1/2 inch wide. On ungreased cookie sheets shape strips to resemble horseshoes. Bake at 325° for 20 to 15 minutes or until lightly browned.
1620 Pilgrims execute the Mayflower Compact, one of the founding charters of American democracy.
The original document has not survived, but several early copies have. There are slight differences in spelling and punctuation, but basically the text reads as follows:
1817 Francisco Xavier Mina and 25 compatriots executed at Fort San Gregorio for insurrection.
1864 The Lincoln Mining District, the first mining district near South Pass, organized. Attribution: Wyoming State Historical Society.
1620 Pilgrims execute the Mayflower Compact, one of the founding charters of American democracy.
The original document has not survived, but several early copies have. There are slight differences in spelling and punctuation, but basically the text reads as follows:
In the name of God, Amen. We, whose names are underwritten, the loyal subjects of our dread Sovereign Lord King James, by the Grace of God, of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, King, defender of the Faith, etc.
Having undertaken, for the Glory of God, and advancements of the Christian faith and honor of our King and Country, a voyage to plant the first colony in the Northern parts of Virginia, do by these presents, solemnly and mutually, in the presence of God, and one another, covenant and combine ourselves together into a civil body politic; for our better ordering, and preservation and furtherance of the ends aforesaid; and by virtue hereof to enact, constitute, and frame, such just and equal laws, ordinances, acts, constitutions, and offices, from time to time, as shall be thought most meet and convenient for the general good of the colony; unto which we promise all due submission and obedience.
In witness whereof we have hereunto subscribed our names at Cape Cod the 11th of November, in the year of the reign of our Sovereign Lord King James, of England, France, and Ireland, the eighteenth, and of Scotland the fifty-fourth, 1620.[
1817 Francisco Xavier Mina and 25 compatriots executed at Fort San Gregorio for insurrection.
1864 The Lincoln Mining District, the first mining district near South Pass, organized. Attribution: Wyoming State Historical Society.
1865 The U.S. Army renamed Fort Connor to Fort Reno in honor of Major General Jesse L. Reno.
1886 George W. Baxter assumes the office of Territorial Governor. He resigned on December 20 of the same year. Given his very brief stint as Territorial Governor, questions would have to be raised as to whether or not he wanted the job, or simply agreed to take it at the request of President Cleveland, who was then in office and who had removed F. E. Warren.
On the same day, Francis E. Warren stepped down as Territorial Governor at the request of President Cleveland. Questions regarding dealings with a Cheyenne Wyoming businessman caused his resignation, but his reputation would prove intact, and he would resume the position in 1889, and keep it until 1890 when became Wyoming's first elected State Governor. He went on to become a US Senator from November 1890 until 1893, and then again until his death on November 24, 1929. He was John J. Pershing's father in law.
1890 The Wyoming Supreme Court meets for the first time.
1918 On this day, Ninety years ago, World War One ended. The Armistice became effective at 11:00. Since hostilities had commenced in 1914, 9,000,000 soldiers had died in action, 21,000,000 had been wounded, and many additional soldiers civilians had died due to the direct and indirect consequences of the war, not the least of which was the unleashing of the Spanish Flu in military camp conditions, which would claim more lives than combat had. The German, Russian and Austro-Hungarian Empires had been destroyed with no real ability for a successful popular democratic ideal to take root in those nations, which fell into turmoil. Communism and similar movements, previously occupying the fringe of the Socialist left, filled in the vacuum resulting in violent revolution in various localities including Russia and Germany, achieving power in Russia and failing to do so in Germany, which was none the less left in turmoil. New nations, such as Poland, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Czechoslovakia, and Yugoslavia were born, or resumed their positions on the map after having not had them for centuries. The German Imperial Army, refusing to go down with the Kaiser, had effectively arranged for his surrender of power and fully assumed the status of a power unto itself, with grave consequences for the future. Japan, ascendant since the late 19th Century, had seized territory in the East as an Allied power. Ireland had gone into revolution over the issue of conscription, and the UK was left with a guerrilla war in Ireland. The Ottoman Empire had collapsed and Turkey was born, with the war against Turkey still going on. The former Ottoman possession in the Middle East were now European territories. The United States, which had sat on the fence of world power status for decades, briefly assumed that role, and then retreated from it. The Dominions of Canada and Australia had entered the war as confirmed dominions and left it much more independent nations. In spite of the inconclusive results, to some extent, and the views later held in later eras, the war was regarded as worthwhile and a victory in the English speaking world at this time.
In Wyoming, World War One had caused a very significant economic boom which very much predated the US entry into the war. Starting in 1914, British Remount agents scoured the United States for suitable military horses, purchasing thousands, and causing a horse boom in Wyoming which lasted throughout the war, as the US later began to do the same. Cattle prices also rose as the demand for meat rose due to the war. Homesteading received its last great boom, which would peak in 1919, the last year that the American farmer achieved economic parity with the urban middle class.
Oil exploration massively accelerated during the wear, causing towns like Casper to boom, and which resulted in Casper's first "sky scraper", the Oil Exchange Building, now the Consolidated Royalty Building.
The boom would not last, and an economic recession began to set in during 1919. This is further examined in our companion site, Lex Anteinternet.
The day became a holiday in many countries following World War One, and is recalled today under a variety of names. It is a Federal holiday in the Unites States, being known as Veterans' Day, having come to honor American veterans of all wars.
Some poetry from the last war to inspire a fair amount of important poetry, but which speaks to all wars.
In Memoriam
by Ewart Alan Mackintosh (who himself was killed in action).
(Private D Sutherland killed in action in the German trenches, 16 May 1916, and the others who died.)
So you were David's father,
And he was your only son,
And the new-cut peats are rotting
And the work is left undone,
Because of an old man weeping,
Just an old man in pain,
For David, his son David,
That will not come again.
Oh, the letters he wrote you,
And I can see them still,
Not a word of the fighting,
But just the sheep on the hill
And how you should get the crops in
Ere the year get stormier,
And the Bosches have got his body,
And I was his officer.
You were only David's father,
But I had fifty sons
When we went up in the evening
Under the arch of the guns,
And we came back at twilight -
O God! I heard them call
To me for help and pity
That could not help at all.
Oh, never will I forget you,
My men that trusted me,
More my sons than your fathers',
For they could only see
The little helpless babies
And the young men in their pride.
They could not see you dying,
And hold you while you died.
Happy and young and gallant,
They saw their first-born go,
But not the strong limbs broken
And the beautiful men brought low,
The piteous writhing bodies,
They screamed 'Don't leave me, sir',
For they were only your fathers
But I was your officer.
And my favorite, In Flanders Fields, by Canadian John McCrae, who died of the Influenza Epidemic during the war, while serving in France.
In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.
We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved, and now we lie,
In Flanders fields.
Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.

1919 Armistice Day, 1919.
1921 Warren G. Harding dedicated the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Arlington National Cemetery.
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.
We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved, and now we lie,
In Flanders fields.
Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.
World War One Ends. November 11, 1918, 1100 (0400 MST).
"To Our Hero's". Cemetery Wall in Paris, France. France's contribution to the Allied victory in World War One surpasses that of any other Allied nation. . .something you'd sometimes not realize if you only read the English language accounts of the war. MKTH photograph.
On this date in 1918, the Great War came to an end.*

Usually such posts are highly retrospective, and I suppose this one will be to a degree, but not in the "oh what a terrible waste" fashion that so many of them are. The "Oh, What A Lovely War" view of the war popularized by the posthumous post World War Two publication of Siegfried Sassoon's poetry is largely baloney.** In reality, the view taken earlier, that Germany was a horrible world menace on the European stage ruled by its military and a few autocrats who cared little about the rivers of blood they were spilling in order to impose Germany's imperial will on Europe is much closer to reality.
Indeed, its telling that in order to being the peace about, it had to occur in the context of a German revolution. That revolution threatened for a time to make former Imperial Germany into a communist Soviet state, and put the new provisional government in the position of having to put down a left wing revolution. That alignment, and the unrepentant view of Germany's hard right and its military would guaranty a second war, not the supposedly "harsh" terms of the Versailles Treaty. A hard won victory, therefore, would not bring lasting peace, but that too really isn't for the reasons so often cited.
Indeed, had the provisions of the Versailles Treaty been more strictly enforced, World War Two would not have come about. And had the conditions of the treaty been arrived upon more quickly, when Germans had no choice but to admit that they'd been fully defeated on the battlefield and the revolution only saved Germany from the Allies entering German soil in action, as they did in 1945, the excuse that the treaty became would not have occurred. And the treaty did become a German excuse, and the "stabbed in the back" myth would arise, but more than anything it was the smashing of the Old Order that brought about the second war.
But was the collapse of the imperial order in nations that had not moved sufficiently towards democratic rule as populations moved from rural peasantry towards industrial laborers that really created the mess that would result in World War Two.
Almost every European nation had faced this in some fashion, but some had handled it much better. Nations like Germany, Austro Hungaria, and Russia, however, had not. Indeed, they'd not only failed to accommodate the new world of a more educated working class, but in Germany's case they'd actually arrived upon an autocratic imperial state late. Nations like France and Germany, in contrast, had moved more and more towards real democratic rule much earlier, and therefore the forces that would gather in the vacuum of the demise of the Old Order would not impact them in the same degree, or indeed in the democratic UK, at all.
In nations like Germany, Russia and (for WWI Allied) Japan, however, the demise of the Old Order would create a vacuum that would be filled by a vicious extreme forces, communistic or fascistic in nature, that opposed democratic rule and glorified martial violence. In some places those forces would oppose any hint at restoring the Old Order, as in Russia, in others they'd co-opt elements of it, as in Italy. In all such places, the result was to bring about disaster in every form.
When that war came, much of what the world had become acclimated to in the First World War would play out in horrific fashion. And much of that can be blamed on Germany, which had often acted just as barbarously in the Great War as they were to act in World War Two.
Germany had in large measure brought that defeat in the Great War upon itself. While people like to look back for some reason and imagine the Germany military of World War One and World War Two as hyper competent, quite the opposite was often true. While the Spring 1918 offensive was absolutely brilliant, Germany's dithering with the collapse of Russia guaranteed that a million men it desperately need on the Western Front would not be available. If Germany was stabbed in the back, it's own autocratic class and military leadership did the stabbing, as Germany set about advancing in a country it had already defeated and had helped push into civil war. It acted as if it had won the war, when in fact it had not.
Officers of the newly crated Third Army which was formed in France too late to see combat, but which would go on to occupation duty in Germany.
Of course the arms of the Western Allies cannot be ignored in that role. The ability of the British to rebound in the face of the 1918 offensive was magnificent, even if the common British view that they seemingly won the war on their own is exaggerated. The long suffering French deserve huge credit for the defense of their own country and carrying the war through to the end, which included the contribution of Marshall Foch whose coordinating the efforts of the Allies was a monumentally difficult task.
Drafted inductees into the U.S. Army, Los Angeles California, November 11, 1918. The U.S. continued to draft right up until the end of the war. I don't know what happened to men brought in this late.
And the US deserves much more credit than it is typically given by non American historians even if its military leadership deserves much more criticism than American ones will give it. The surprising ability of the U.S. to create a 4,000,000 man Army in just over a year's time, and to deploy 2,000,000 of them to France (and Italy) was a stunning achievement. The individual fighting qualities of the American soldier were also hugely impressive, although much of that was due to the soldier being very green and, frankly, poorly lead.
Paris crowd, November 11, 1918.
The U.S. Army, in fact, was committed to action in a manner that was to prove wasteful of lives as the American leadership persisted in the belief that there were no lessons to be learned from the Allies. The American effort was only able to get away with this as the Army was thrown into action at a time when massive force was likely to prevail against the Germans, even if it proved to be hugely costly. Indeed, real questions should be raised as to why the American leadership continued to persist in this fashion when even the very early efforts demonstrated how bloody such actions would be, even if the American willingness to endure the bloodshed, much like the Union's willingness to endure it in the latter half of the Civil War, guaranteed that an Allied victory would occur.***
American Red Cross works gathering in London for a parade, November 11, 1918, in honor of the war's end.
And it did so bring it about, even if it did not do so single-handedly. That sacrifice should not be forgotten.
*Before anyone points it out, yes I know that a state of war continued on until the execution of the Versailles Treaty, or even later if you consider that the US had to declare the war to be over unilaterally after the U.S. refused to enter into the treaty. Indeed, I've already been "corrected" on that once.
Well, whatever, but the war ended on this day. Germany wasn't going back to fighting under any circumstances, and couldn't, after entering into the Armistice on this day.
**The morose British war poet view of the war is largely a post World War Two view of it that reflects more than anything the state of the British mind following World War Two, which left Britain with an empire that it obviously was going to leave and with an utterly wrecked economy.
***The U.S. Navy, on the other hand, was really effectively commanded in the Great War and contributed enormously to a reduction of the effectiveness of German submarines. It's role, however, is largely forgotten.
This day is also marked as Polish independence day, although it would be just as easy to pick a date several weeks earlier and indeed would perhaps be more accurate as various Polish political bodies had declared independence from Russia and Germany by this time.
There are several sad deaths often noted about the day. Augustin Trebuchon was the last French soldier to die in the war. He was 40 years old and had joined the French Army in August, 1914. A shepherd by trade, he'd fought the entire war. He had occupied the role of messenger throughout the war and knew that an agreement had been signed even when his unit went into action that morning, committed to an attack even with the knowledge that peace was likely to be soon agreed upon. That battle went on until 6:00 p.m., a good seven hours after the armistice had been signed, when the unit received word that the fighting had ended. French officials originally recorded his death as November 10, as they were embarrassed to admit that they had been fighting when peace was imminent.
George Lawrence Price was the last Canadian soldier killed. The 25 year old private originally from Nova Scotia was killed in a small unit action by a German sniper when they were reconnoitering some Belgian houses and discovered German machinegunners. He'd come into the Canadian army as a conscript the prior year, having been conscripted from his then home in Saskatchewan.
Private George Edwin Ellison was the last British soldier killed. The British cavalryman, age 40, had served for a time as a per war soldier and had been recalled into his old unit, the 5th Royal Irish Lancers, in 1914.
Charles I, the Austro Hungarian Emperor, announced he would give up the Austrian crown. He would do the same in regards to Hungary two days later. He never actually abdicated in hopes he'd be recalled. He wasn't.
Counter campaigns against Dutch socialist occured in the Hague.
British, Canadian and American troops, numbering about 600, engaged with a Red Army force of 2,500 at Tulgas, where the Armistice had no effect. About 1/2 the force were Americans. The combined unit had been attacked but after two days launched an Assault, 20th Maine at Gettysburg style, and drove the much larger Red unit back. Red Army casualties nearly exceeded the number of men total in the Allied force.
This day is also marked as Polish independence day, although it would be just as easy to pick a date several weeks earlier and indeed would perhaps be more accurate as various Polish political bodies had declared independence from Russia and Germany by this time.
There are several sad deaths often noted about the day. Augustin Trebuchon was the last French soldier to die in the war. He was 40 years old and had joined the French Army in August, 1914. A shepherd by trade, he'd fought the entire war. He had occupied the role of messenger throughout the war and knew that an agreement had been signed even when his unit went into action that morning, committed to an attack even with the knowledge that peace was likely to be soon agreed upon. That battle went on until 6:00 p.m., a good seven hours after the armistice had been signed, when the unit received word that the fighting had ended. French officials originally recorded his death as November 10, as they were embarrassed to admit that they had been fighting when peace was imminent.
George Lawrence Price was the last Canadian soldier killed. The 25 year old private originally from Nova Scotia was killed in a small unit action by a German sniper when they were reconnoitering some Belgian houses and discovered German machinegunners. He'd come into the Canadian army as a conscript the prior year, having been conscripted from his then home in Saskatchewan.
Private George Edwin Ellison was the last British soldier killed. The British cavalryman, age 40, had served for a time as a per war soldier and had been recalled into his old unit, the 5th Royal Irish Lancers, in 1914.
Charles I, the Austro Hungarian Emperor, announced he would give up the Austrian crown. He would do the same in regards to Hungary two days later. He never actually abdicated in hopes he'd be recalled. He wasn't.
Counter campaigns against Dutch socialist occured in the Hague.
British, Canadian and American troops, numbering about 600, engaged with a Red Army force of 2,500 at Tulgas, where the Armistice had no effect. About 1/2 the force were Americans. The combined unit had been attacked but after two days launched an Assault, 20th Maine at Gettysburg style, and drove the much larger Red unit back. Red Army casualties nearly exceeded the number of men total in the Allied force.
1919 Armistice Day, 1919.
Today was the first Armistice Day, now converted into Veteran's Day, in U.S. history. It came, of course, one year after the Armistice that had brought about an end to the fighting on the Western front in November, 1918.
Plans had been made in advance to celebrate the day, which of course was celebrated around the country.
In Central Wyoming the day's events were muted by the arrival of snow.
Which makes the day in 2019 a nice bookend. Snow again.
In Washington, the Prince of Wales was visiting and marked the day, which was likewise being celebrated in English speaking countries around the world.
Plans had been made in advance to celebrate the day, which of course was celebrated around the country.
In Central Wyoming the day's events were muted by the arrival of snow.
Which makes the day in 2019 a nice bookend. Snow again.
In Washington, the Prince of Wales was visiting and marked the day, which was likewise being celebrated in English speaking countries around the world.
1921 Warren G. Harding dedicated the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Arlington National Cemetery.
On this day in 1921 the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier was dedicated in Arlington National Cemetery. I noted that on our companion blog, Today In Wyoming's History, quite some time ago, but the photo below, of Chief Plenty Coups, whom I discussed on November 8, is a new addition here.
Also noting the tragedy of the Great War, today was the first day in which the Royal British Legion sold poppies in remembrance of the war. This tradition still goes on in the United Kingdom and also in Canada. When I was a kid, it occurred here in the form of artificial "bloody poppies" that were sold by one of the two veterans organizations, although I forget which one I dimly recall it was the VFW, but I could be in error.
Harding gave a speech, as noted, at the event, which was transmitted nationwide by telephone wires by AT&T.
A photographer played with black and while film to capture this image at 10:30 that evening.
The war with Germany officially ended on this day, not coincidentally, as the US and Weimar Germany officially recognized the peace. Germany also was reaching out to the Soviet Union with the formation of Deruluft, a joint German Russian airline. It operated until 1937.
The New York Bible Society presented a bible to the conference meeting in Washington on arms limitation.
1924 George Carr Frison, Professor Emeritus of Anthropology at the University of Wyoming born in Worland Wyoming.
1926 Plans for U.S. Highway 30, replacing the Lincoln Highway but generally along the same route, finalized.
1926 Plans for U.S. Highway 30, replacing the Lincoln Highway but generally along the same route, finalized.
1930 Clarence Don Clark, Wyoming's U.S. Congressman from 1890 to 1893, and US Senator from Wyoming from 1895 to 1917, died.
1940 Willys introduces their variant of the Jeep for the Army's competition for a light 4x4 vehicle. The very unstable dangerous little 4x4 car would enter into civilian production post war as the CJ2, the first really light commercially offered 4x4 truck (and a highly dangerous one). 4x4s would feature prominently in a revolution in accessibility to the Wyoming back-country post World War Two.
1958 M38A1, the military version of the same Jeep that was known as the CJ5.
1940 Here's an unusual item, although not a Wyoming one, that shows us, in part, how much things
have changed even in regards to weather reports. We're so used to
relatively accurate ones now, we don't recall the days when the weather
was often a real surprise. We should note that this winter event did stretch out across the plains to Wyoming, even though it didn't have the devastating impact here that it did in Iowa.

1943 The Commander of the Prisoner of War Camp in Douglas announced that 1,000 Italians held at the camp would be helping with the fall harvest. Given the timing of the announcement, it would have to be presumed that the harvest was well underway at the time. As Douglas itself is not in a farming belt, it would be interesting to know where the POWs actually went, and how they were housed. Attribution: Wyoming State Historical Society.
1950 A DC-3 belonging to a religious missionary organization hit Mount Moran in dense cloud cover, killing all 21 people on board. The impact was nearly direct, and nothing from the plane could be recovered, including the bodies of the victims, all of whom remain on Mount Moran.
1954 November 11 designated as Veterans Day to honor veterans of all U.S. wars. This was due in part to the efforts of Alvin J. King of Emporia Kansas.
Blog Mirror,
Heart Mountain,
Landmarks and Monuments,
Veterans' Day,
World War Two
Sunday, November 10, 2013
November 10
1833 Thomas Moonlight was born in Forfarshire, Scotland. He was appointed Territorial Governor of Wyoming in1886.
1835 Delegates gathered at San Felipe de Austin in Texas agreed to establish a provisional government for the region.
1882 Frank Aloysius Barrett was born in Omaha Nebraska. He served in the Balloon Corps in World War One, and then moved to Lusk Wyoming in 1919.. He was a U.S. Representative, a U .S. Senator and the 21st Governor of Wyoming.
His son, James E. Barrett, was a senior judge of the United States Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals Circuit and former judge of the United States Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court of Review in Washington, D.C. who died on November 7, 2011.
1888 A pipeline for the conveyance of oil from Casper to Omaha Nebraska was proposed.
1907 Fire destroyed the area north of Big Horn Avenue in Worland.
1916 The Casper Weekly Tribune for November 10, 1916: Fine Wilson Sweep
1918 Countdown on the Great War, November 10, 1918: A Socialist Provisional Government forms in Germany, the Naval War continues on, and Mildred Harris weds.
1. The HMS Ascot, a minesweeper, was sunk by the UB-67 with the loss of 51 hands. The HMT Renarro, a British Navy trawler hit a mine and sank as did the Italian 36PN torpedo boat.
2. Romania, which earlier surrendered to Germany, came back into the war in order to retake territory it had lost in the peace to Bulgaria. Allied forces entered Svishtov and Nikopol in Bulgaria.
3. The Council of the People's Deputies becomes the provisional government of Germany with the aim of negotiating a peace with the Allies. It's membership is completely comprised of members of the Social Democratic Party and the Independent Social Democratic Party of Germany, making it a highly left wing ruling body, which came about when the SDP, which had evolved into a much less radical party in recent years, co-opted some revolutionary councils the day prior after it found it could not stop them from pushing forward. The inclusion of the USDP was a distasteful necessity at first, even though the SDP did not see eye to eye on most things.
This essentially meant that to a degree the aims of the German revolutionaries had been partially recognized and in fact a government partially installed by them was in power, although one that had, due to the SDP, much less radical aims than the USDP. The government would sweep away Germany's tiered franchise and introduce many liberal reforms before yielding to the Reichstag in 1919, by which time the USDP had pulled out of the government and the SDP was ruling alone. The SDP under Friedrich Ebert, it's leader, would find itself thereafter increasingly aligned with Germany's conservative elements and it even would rely upon the Freikorps to take on left wing revolutionaries during the German civil war.
4. With the war winding down, even celebrity news, albeit local celebrity news, started to reappear on the front page of the papers.
The Cheyenne girl was Mildred Harris. As we've reported on her before:
Mildred Harris. Her entry in Today In Wyoming's History:
1943 An explosion at the Sinclair Refinery in Sinclair insured five. Attribution: Wyoming State Historical Society.
1945 Heart Mountain interment center closed.
1969 Judge Ewing T. Kerr heard testimony in the action brought in support of the Black 14. The Court took the matter under advisement.
1978 Mormon Pioneer National Historic Trail was established.
1997 The Wyoming Air National Guard commenced operations in Operation Tempest Rapid No. 1, a firefighting mission to Indonesia. Flying until December 5, the unit would fly 250 missions in the U.S. Air Force's first overseas firefighting mission.
1835 Delegates gathered at San Felipe de Austin in Texas agreed to establish a provisional government for the region.
1882 Frank Aloysius Barrett was born in Omaha Nebraska. He served in the Balloon Corps in World War One, and then moved to Lusk Wyoming in 1919.. He was a U.S. Representative, a U .S. Senator and the 21st Governor of Wyoming.
His son, James E. Barrett, was a senior judge of the United States Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals Circuit and former judge of the United States Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court of Review in Washington, D.C. who died on November 7, 2011.
1888 A pipeline for the conveyance of oil from Casper to Omaha Nebraska was proposed.
1907 Fire destroyed the area north of Big Horn Avenue in Worland.
1916 The Casper Weekly Tribune for November 10, 1916: Fine Wilson Sweep
1918 Countdown on the Great War, November 10, 1918: A Socialist Provisional Government forms in Germany, the Naval War continues on, and Mildred Harris weds.
American engineers constructing a bridge in a ruined French city. November 10, 1918.
2. Romania, which earlier surrendered to Germany, came back into the war in order to retake territory it had lost in the peace to Bulgaria. Allied forces entered Svishtov and Nikopol in Bulgaria.
This essentially meant that to a degree the aims of the German revolutionaries had been partially recognized and in fact a government partially installed by them was in power, although one that had, due to the SDP, much less radical aims than the USDP. The government would sweep away Germany's tiered franchise and introduce many liberal reforms before yielding to the Reichstag in 1919, by which time the USDP had pulled out of the government and the SDP was ruling alone. The SDP under Friedrich Ebert, it's leader, would find itself thereafter increasingly aligned with Germany's conservative elements and it even would rely upon the Freikorps to take on left wing revolutionaries during the German civil war.
4. With the war winding down, even celebrity news, albeit local celebrity news, started to reappear on the front page of the papers.
The Cheyenne girl was Mildred Harris. As we've reported on her before:
Mildred Harris. Her entry in Today In Wyoming's History:
1901 Mildred Harris, movie actress, born in Cheyenne. She was a significant actress in the silent film era, having gone from being a child actor to a major adult actress, but had difficulty making the transition to talking pictures.
Harris is also evidence that, in spite of my notation of changes in moral standards elsewhere, the lives of movie stars has often been as torrid as they are presently. Harris married Charlie Chaplin in 1918, at which time she was 17 years old and the couple thought, incorrectly, that she was pregnant. She did later give birth during their brief marriage to a boy who was severely disabled, and who died only three days after being born. The marriage was not a happy one. They divorced after two years of marriage, and she would marry twice more and was married to former professional football player William P. Fleckenstein at the time of her death, a union that had lasted ten years. Ironically, she appeared in three films in 1920, the year of her divorce, as Mildred Harris Chaplin, the only films in which she was billed under that name. While an actress probably mostly known to silent film buffs today, she lived in some ways a life that touched upon many remembered personalities of the era, and which was also somewhat stereotypically Hollywood. She introduced Edward to Wallis Simpson.
She died in 1944 at age 42 of pneumonia following surgery. She has a star in the Hollywood Walk of Fame. A significant number of her 134 films are lost or destroyed due to film deterioration. Her appearances in the last eight years of her life were minor, and unaccredited, showing the decline of her star power in the talking era.
Stories like hers, however, demonstrate that the often held concept of great isolation of Wyomingites was never true. Harris was one of at least three actors and actresses who were born in Wyoming and who had roles in the early silent screen era. Of those, she was arguably the most famous having risen to the height of being a major actress by age 16.
Posted by Pat, Marcus & Alexis at 4:58 AM
1943 An explosion at the Sinclair Refinery in Sinclair insured five. Attribution: Wyoming State Historical Society.
1945 Heart Mountain interment center closed.
1969 Judge Ewing T. Kerr heard testimony in the action brought in support of the Black 14. The Court took the matter under advisement.
1978 Mormon Pioneer National Historic Trail was established.
1997 The Wyoming Air National Guard commenced operations in Operation Tempest Rapid No. 1, a firefighting mission to Indonesia. Flying until December 5, the unit would fly 250 missions in the U.S. Air Force's first overseas firefighting mission.
Saturday, October 5, 2013
October 5
1877 Nez Perce Chief Joseph and 418 survivors were captured in the Bear Paw mountains.
1879 Final day of several days of action by the 5th and 9th Cavalry at Milk River, Colorado.
1911 President William H. Taft addressed an audience at Rock Spring.
1918 The Spanish Flu Claims Its First Casper Victim and The Danger of Even Home Guard Service Is Made Plain: October 5, 1918.
1918 The Spanish Flu Claims Its First Casper Victim and The Danger of Even Home Guard Service Is Made Plain: October 5, 1918.
As the war raged in Europe, while peace feelers started to be sent out, the Spanish Flu claimed its first victim in Casper.
And Home Guard service proved lethal for Pvt. O. B. Duncan, who fell from a train and was run over it by it. Why Pvt. Duncan was riding on the train isn't clear, but at least as late as World War Two the Home Guard did guard the rail yards for a time in Casper, so presumably something similar was occurring.
Oddly, Thermopolis was a setting for both tragedies.
1927 Mount Owen named that by the United States Geographic Board. Attribution: On This Day.
1942 Children at the Heat Mountain Internment Camp started school.
Friday, September 20, 2013
September 20
1806 The Corps of Discovery entered La Charette, the first American controlled settlement they had been in since departing over two years earlier.
1858 Camp Walbach established in what is now Laramie County.
1870 Wyoming Library and Literary Association organized. Attribution: Wyoming State Historical Society.
1873 Panic swept the New York Stock Exchange due to railroad bond and bank failure issues.
1916 The Wyoming Tribune for September 20, 1916: Villa in Chihuahua
World War One in the East took the big headline for Cheyenne's other newspaper, but Villa in Chihuahua showed up as well, a couple of days after the other Cheyenne newspaper reported on the raid. This report had a different character, however.
Oil also showed up on the front page, as did a population predication, not the largest from the state's early history, that shows that it was made during a booming economy. A horse at the sold at auction was celebrated at the Natrona County Fair.
1916 The Wyoming Tribune for September 20, 1916: Villa in Chihuahua
World War One in the East took the big headline for Cheyenne's other newspaper, but Villa in Chihuahua showed up as well, a couple of days after the other Cheyenne newspaper reported on the raid. This report had a different character, however.
Oil also showed up on the front page, as did a population predication, not the largest from the state's early history, that shows that it was made during a booming economy. A horse at the sold at auction was celebrated at the Natrona County Fair.
1944 Soldiers from Ft. F. E. Warren collected scrap metal from the Ferris-Haggerty copper mine. Attribution: Wyoming State Historical Society.
2006 The Heart Mountain Relocation Center designated a National Historic Landmark.
Monday, August 12, 2013
August 12
1877 Public land offices
in Evanston opened.
1878 Robert Davis Carey, 11th Governor of Wyoming and later U.S. Senator from Wyoming, born in Cheyenne. Attribution: On This Day.
1890 The first day in which Wyomingites could register to vote in their state, which saw 500 registrations. Attribution: Wyoming State Historical Society.
1912 August 12, 1919 Medicine Bow to Rawlins, Wyoming on the Motor Transport Convoy
The Motor Transport Convoy traveled from Medicine Bow to Rawlins on this day in 1919.
The diarist wasn't impressed with the roads or the conditions in any fashion. Indeed, he reported Ft. Steele as being the only pleasant spot on the journey.
And overseas, a photographer took a reminder of the cost of the recent war.
1942 Internees began to arrive at the Heart Mountain Relocation Center. Attribution: Wyoming State Historical Society.
1945 The wreckage of a B-17 that crashed into bomber mountain on June 28, 1943 was discovered, along with the remains of the crew, by two cowboys.
1971 Fort Caspar added to the National Register of Historic Places. Attribution: On This Day.
2005 A tornado devastated parts of Wright and killed two people. Attribution: On This Day.
1878 Robert Davis Carey, 11th Governor of Wyoming and later U.S. Senator from Wyoming, born in Cheyenne. Attribution: On This Day.
1890 The first day in which Wyomingites could register to vote in their state, which saw 500 registrations. Attribution: Wyoming State Historical Society.
1912 August 12, 1919 Medicine Bow to Rawlins, Wyoming on the Motor Transport Convoy
Lincoln Highway marker at Ft. Fred Steele.
The diarist wasn't impressed with the roads or the conditions in any fashion. Indeed, he reported Ft. Steele as being the only pleasant spot on the journey.
Today the highway doesn't pass through Ft. Steele as it once did, but is located several miles to the south. Interestingly, there is a campground near the current Interstate Highway.
Union Pacific depot in Rawlins. This would have been a busy depot in 1919.
On the same day, men were busy at work elsewhere in the West.
Water troughs at Thompsons Cattle Camp. Wenaha N.F. 43264A. USDA, Forest Service, Umatilla National Forest, Oregon. August 12, 1919.
And overseas, a photographer took a reminder of the cost of the recent war.
1942 Internees began to arrive at the Heart Mountain Relocation Center. Attribution: Wyoming State Historical Society.
1945 The wreckage of a B-17 that crashed into bomber mountain on June 28, 1943 was discovered, along with the remains of the crew, by two cowboys.
1971 Fort Caspar added to the National Register of Historic Places. Attribution: On This Day.
2005 A tornado devastated parts of Wright and killed two people. Attribution: On This Day.
Thursday, June 13, 2013
June 13
1866 Negotiations between US and Sioux representatives took place at Ft. Phil Kearny. Attribution: On This Day.
1887 Construction on the St. Paul & Manitoba Railroad enters Wyoming.
1889 Rawlins received two feet of snow. Attribution: On This Day.
1891 The cemetery at Ft. Laramie relocated to Ft. McPherson Nebraska.
1917 And just when you thought border troubles with Mexico were off the front page. . .
replaced by war news from France (and today Greece). . .
1917 And just when you thought border troubles with Mexico were off the front page. . .
It was back.
In the form of a cross border raid by "Mexican bandit" who attached a patrol of the 8th U.S. Cavalry.
Of course the rest of the news had a focus on the war in Europe, to be sure.
1929 A Peak in the Wind River Range was named for Senator F. E. Warren. Attribution: Wyoming State Historical Society.
1944 Sixty three Japanese-Americans internees at Heart Mountain Relocation Center charged with violation of Selective Service Act. Attribution: Wyoming State Historical Society.
1979 The Sioux are awarded $105,000,000 for the U.S. seizure of the Black Hills in the 19th Century.
2022 Destructive flooding destroyed roads and infrastructure inside of Yellowstone National Park. Access to the park was closed, and individuals inside the park were trapped there.
Major flooding also occured on the same day in Red Lodge, Montana.
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
February 19
1864 William F. Cody joined the 7th Volunteer Kansas Cavalry.
1887 The final run of the Black Hills stage left Cheyenne. Attribution: Wyoming State Historical Society.
1901 A bill prohibiting gambling signed into law.
1915 The Governor signed to acts pertaining to improvements at the state capitol consisting of the addition of wings onto the capitol building. One was to approve the construction, and another to authorize a property tax to pay for it.
1915 The Natrona County Tribune merges into the Wyoming Weekly Review.
1917 The State Highway Commission created by the signature of the Governor of an act approving it.
Two Battalions of the Wyoming Infantry were to be on their way home, the Boomerang reported.
And Theodore Roosevelt was planning to reprise his Spanish American War role if the US went to war with Germany. Well. . . .Woodrow Wilson might have a say in that.
And the situation in Mexico was apparently getting complicated by a private body of cowboy militia crossing the border in reprisal for the recent death of their fellows.
Finally, the Boomerang reported the situation with Germany as "hopeful".
News came on this Monday (in 1917) that indeed, Wyoming and Colorado state troops were headed home, or at least to Ft. D. A. Russell.
A general with a Cheyenne connection, John J. Pershing, now a national hero and the recent commander of the Punitive Expedition, came out for universal military training. That was big movement, of course, at the time.
And John B. Kendrick was on his way to the U.S. Senate, finishing up his time as Governor by signing the bills that had passed the recent legislative session.
Miss Elanor Eakin Carr's engagement to Howard P. Okie, son of J. B. Okie of Lost Cabin, the legendary sheepman of the Lost Cabin area. He'd take over his father's mercantile interest that year, but the marriage would not be a long one. He died in 1920
1921 Sixteenth state legislature adjourned.
1927 Nineteenth state legislature adjourned.
1942 Franklin D. Roosevelt signs Executive Order 9066, authorizing the removal of any or all people from military areas "as deemed necessary or desirable." This would lead to internment camps, including Heart Mountain near Cody.
1945 The US government imposes a midnight curfew on all places of entertainment.
1986 Vice President George Bush addressed the legislature.
1990 Budget session of fiftieth state legislature convened.
1996 Budget session of the fifty third state legislature convened.
1887 The final run of the Black Hills stage left Cheyenne. Attribution: Wyoming State Historical Society.
1901 A bill prohibiting gambling signed into law.
1915 The Governor signed to acts pertaining to improvements at the state capitol consisting of the addition of wings onto the capitol building. One was to approve the construction, and another to authorize a property tax to pay for it.
1915 The Natrona County Tribune merges into the Wyoming Weekly Review.
1917 The State Highway Commission created by the signature of the Governor of an act approving it.
It's odd to think of Wyoming lacking a Highway Department but up until
this date in 1917, it did. That was common at the time as most
vehicular transportation remained strictly local. However, that would
begin to change with the Federal Aid Road Act of 1916, which provided
funds, for the first time, to state highway departments in one of the
"progressive" policies of the Wilson Administration.
The activities of the Commission would be modest but growing throughout
its early years. Limited winter plowing commenced in 1923 and then it
began in earnest in 1929. In 1991 the highway department became the
Wyoming Department of Transportation, which it remains.

On this date in 1917 a shock happened to the nation. The general who
Woodrow Wilson already had in mind for an American expeditionary force
in Europe, should the US enter the Great War, which was becoming
increasingly likely, died.
And with his death, it truly seemed that an era had really passed.
Funston was a hero and a legend. He'd risen to high command on the
strength of his military achievements without being a West Point
graduate. He was truly an exception to the rules.
Funston was born in Ohio in 1865 and in some ways did not show early promise in life. He was a very small and slight (at first) man, standing only 5'5" and weighing only 120 lbs upon reaching adulthood. He aspired as a youth to the military, after growing up in Kansas, but he was rejected by West Point due to his small size. He thereafter attended the University of Kansas for three years but did not graduate. Following that he worked for awhile for the Santa Fe Railroad before becoming a reporter in Kansas City in 1890.
Only after a year he left reporting and went to work for the Department of Agriculture as a researcher in an era when that was an adventuresome occupation. In 1896, however, Funston left that to join the Cuban insurrection against Spain in Cuba.
And with his death, it truly seemed that an era had really passed.
Gen. Frederick Funston, next to driver, in 1906.
Funston was born in Ohio in 1865 and in some ways did not show early promise in life. He was a very small and slight (at first) man, standing only 5'5" and weighing only 120 lbs upon reaching adulthood. He aspired as a youth to the military, after growing up in Kansas, but he was rejected by West Point due to his small size. He thereafter attended the University of Kansas for three years but did not graduate. Following that he worked for awhile for the Santa Fe Railroad before becoming a reporter in Kansas City in 1890.
Only after a year he left reporting and went to work for the Department of Agriculture as a researcher in an era when that was an adventuresome occupation. In 1896, however, Funston left that to join the Cuban insurrection against Spain in Cuba.
Funston as a Cuban guerilla.
As most Americans spending any time in Cuba at the time experienced, he
came down with malaria while serving the Cuban revolution. Returning to
United States weighing only 95 lbs he found himself back in the United
States just in time to secure a commission with the 20th Kansas Infantry
as it was raised to fight in the Spanish American War.
"Funston's Fighting Kansans" in the Philippines.
The 20th Kansas didn't fight in Cuba, it fought in the Philippines.
Funston served there heroically and received the Medal of Honor, and
found himself promoted to the rank of Brigadier General in the Regular
Army at age 35, a remarkable rise contrary to the usual story of
military advancement and more reminiscent of the Civil War than anything
thereafter. Following his service in the Philippines, however, he fell
into a period of controversy due to aggressively pro military action
comments he made in the United States.
He was stationed at the Presidio in San Francisco upon his return to the
United States and was there at the time of the 1906 earthquake. He
controversially declared martial law to attempt to combat the fire and
looters and in fact authorized the shooting of looters. Following that
he was stationed again in the Philippines and Hawaii. In 1914 he was
placed in command of the Southern Department of the Army and was in
command of the US forces in Vera Cruz and thereafter in Mexico under
On this date in 1917 he was relaxing at the St. Anthony Hotel in San
Antonio Texas when he suffered a massive stroke and died. He was only
51 years of age but he had put on a tremendous amount of weight in
recent years. Indeed, his weight had prevented him from active field
service by the time of the Punitive Expedition, but the fact of his
death in this fashion would suggest an undiagnosed high blood pressure
condition, something that was commonly fatal in that era.
The Laramie Boomerang for February 19, 1917: Two Wyoming Battalions To Leave Border as Cowboys cross it.
Two Battalions of the Wyoming Infantry were to be on their way home, the Boomerang reported.
And Theodore Roosevelt was planning to reprise his Spanish American War role if the US went to war with Germany. Well. . . .Woodrow Wilson might have a say in that.
And the situation in Mexico was apparently getting complicated by a private body of cowboy militia crossing the border in reprisal for the recent death of their fellows.
Finally, the Boomerang reported the situation with Germany as "hopeful".
The Wyoming Tribune for February 19, 1917: Colorado and Wyoming National Guard headed for Ft. D. A. Russell for Demobilization
News came on this Monday (in 1917) that indeed, Wyoming and Colorado state troops were headed home, or at least to Ft. D. A. Russell.
A general with a Cheyenne connection, John J. Pershing, now a national hero and the recent commander of the Punitive Expedition, came out for universal military training. That was big movement, of course, at the time.
And John B. Kendrick was on his way to the U.S. Senate, finishing up his time as Governor by signing the bills that had passed the recent legislative session.
Miss Elanor Eakin Carr's engagement to Howard P. Okie, son of J. B. Okie of Lost Cabin, the legendary sheepman of the Lost Cabin area. He'd take over his father's mercantile interest that year, but the marriage would not be a long one. He died in 1920
1927 Nineteenth state legislature adjourned.
1942 Franklin D. Roosevelt signs Executive Order 9066, authorizing the removal of any or all people from military areas "as deemed necessary or desirable." This would lead to internment camps, including Heart Mountain near Cody.
Map showing interment camps and other aspects of the exclusion of ethnic Japanese from the Pacific Coast during World War Two.
1945 The US government imposes a midnight curfew on all places of entertainment.
1986 Vice President George Bush addressed the legislature.
1990 Budget session of fiftieth state legislature convened.
1996 Budget session of the fifty third state legislature convened.
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