Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Oops. Errors and Omissions.

Occasionally we get things wrong.

And when we do, we appreciate corrections.

We had just such a correction come in, in a comment, which is the best way to draw things to our attention.  This came up in an entry here on the the May 16 entries, in which we had the following:

1946  USS Wyoming decomissioned. (This entry is doubly in error, check the comments below).

A Navy veteran pointed out for us:

  1. I'm not sure you intended that image of the ship to be the USS Wyoming. It is not. USS Wyoming has had four incarnations. The one from 1946 was a WWI battleship that was used in WWII as a gunnery training platform. The ship shown is definitely not a battleship. I'm not positive but I think that might be a destroyer escort. Kim Viner CDR U.S. Navy (ret), Laramie, Wyoming. 
  2. p.s. USS Wyoming was officially decommissioned on Aug 1, 1947, according to the the U.S. Navy:

The weird thing about this is that I actually had the event correctly noted on the correct date, which was pointed out to us in the comment.

1947  The USS Wyoming, BB-32, is decommissioned.

Even weirder yet, the USS Wyoming, BB-32, shows up on this blog a lot, along with the other ships named Wyoming.  The USS Wyoming in question was a pretty important ship at that, playing a significant role in World War One.

I'm going to take the error down here shortly, but I'm leaving it up long enough to acknowledge the correction, which I appreciate.


Recently a reader posted this item on the November 5 entry:


  1. You note that Governor Ross was inaugurated on this day in 1925. I believe that actually occurred on January 5, 1925.
    1. You are correct. I"m not sure what the origin of that error was and why I noted that date, so I'll research it and see what lead to that.
The commentor was quite correct.  I left this entry in briefly trying to figure out why it was there in the first place, as the event on January 5 was already up and in greater detail, but I never did figure out the reason for the incorrect entry.

Thanks go out to the anonymous poster for pointing out the error.

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