Tuesday, June 11, 2013

June 11

1865  Party of Sioux forced marched from Ft. Laramie to Ft. Kearney Nebraska.

1880  Jeanette Rankin born on a ranch near Missoula, Montana.  She was the first female member of Congress.  Her vote was one of 50 votes against the US declaring war on Germany in 1917.  She thereafter lost her seat in 1919.  She left Montana thereafter but returned in 1939 and was elected once again to Congress in 1940, running on an anti-war platform.  Contrary to the general view of her politics, she voted in favor of measures designed to build up the American military in 1940 and 41.  However, following Pearl Harbor hers was the only vote against declaring war on Japan, with her explanation being "As a woman, I can't go to war and I refuse to send anyone else." She thereafter lost her seat once again.

This is not, of course, a Wyoming item, but I'm sure that Ms. Rankin was the talk of the town in many Wyoming localities in 1917 and 1941, if at least briefly.  And she gets high marks for having the courage of her convictions, even if we don't agree with them.

1894  Red Cloud was released from the Natrona County jail, although I have no idea why he was in the jail.  Attribution:  Wyoming State Historical Society.

1898  Recruiting began for the Alger Light Artillery of Cheyenne which would enter Federal service as "Battery A, Wyoming Light Artillery."  Attribution:  On This Day.

1912 The Franco-Wyoming Oil Company opened a refinery in Casper  near the present intersection of Beverly and Fourth streets.  This was Casper's second refinery (the first had closed), but there would be an additional one by the end of the year.

1912  Flooding occurred in Buffalo.  The Occidental Hotel was damaged in the flood.

1914  This photograph taken by Wyoming geology professor S. H. Knight at Baggs:

1918   More nifty news. . . June 11, 1918.

1919  Sir Barton won the Belmont Stakes thereby becoming the first horse in racing history to win the Triple Crown.

The three year old was ridden in the race by Johnny Loftus.

Sir Barton raced again in the 1920 season and set a world's record for the 1 3/16 miles dirt race that  year.  On October 12 of that year he was defeated by Man o' War in a match race at Kenilworth Park in Windsor Ontario.  He was retired and put to stun in 1921.  In 1932 he was sold into the Army Remount Service and stood at Ft. Royal, Virginia and Ft. Robinson, Nebraska.  He was then assigned to Wyoming rancher J. R. Hylton who was part of the Remount program.  The Remount Service at that time assigned out studs to ranchers in the program. 

In 1937 he died of colic and was buried on Hylton's ranch outside of Douglas.  His remains are now in Douglas' Washington Park where a memorial for the horse exists.

1942  A $26,000 modernization project was started at Casper's airport, Wardwell Field.  The field would cease being used after World War Two, when the area airport would switch to the much more substantial former air base, built during World War Two for the purpose of training bomber crews.  Today Wardwell Field is the town of Bar Nunn.  Interestingly, a nearby location is still the site of the very small Hartford Field, a tiny private air strip.

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