Sunday, February 17, 2013

February 17

1870  Esther Hobart Morris officially appointed Justice of the Peace. As noted, she was approved for this position several days prior.

 Ester Hobart Morris statute on the Wyoming State Capitol Grounds.

1917  Fourteenth state legislature adjourns.

1917   The Cheyenne State Leader for February 17, 1917: Border watched, Guard coming home.

The Wyoming Tribune for February 17, 1917: National Guardsmen coming home.

With the U.S. Army back over the border, Woodrow Wilson apparently decided that the Guard no longer needed to be Federalized, so they were getting ready to deactivate them.

This makes sense, in context, but on the other hand its a bit difficult to grasp why Wilson, who was leading a country that rocketing towards war and he was letting the Guard stand down.  In hindsight, it would have really made a bit more sense to retain them as mustered in anticipation of war.  Indeed, in World War Two the Guard, and what little Reserve there was, was called into service in 1940 in anticipation of the looming war.

The Legislature was also set to come home, something that every citizen holds their breath for . . .
1923  Seventeenth state legislature adjourns.

1933 Craig Thomas born in Cody.  Thomas served as Congressman from 1989 to 1995 and Senator from Wyoming from 1995 until his death in 2007.

1933 The Blaine Act ends Prohibition at the Federal level.  Contrary to popular imagination, it didn't necessarily end it everywhere in the US, as many states, including Wyoming, had separate and additional Prohibition statutes.

1945  Max Maxfield, State Auditor from 1999 to 2007, and then was elected Secretary of State in 2006, born in Beloit Wisconsin.

1968 2nd Lt. Richard W. Pershing, 502nd Infanty, grandson of John J. Pershing and great grandson of F. E. Warren killed in action in Vietnam.

1986  Budget session of the forty eighth legislature convened.

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