Friday, February 1, 2013

February 1

Today is National Freedom Day, a date celebrating the 13th Amendment.

1790  The Supreme Court of the United States convenes for the first time.

1859  The Eldorado opens in Denver.  That city's first hotel.

1876  The Secretary of the Interior reports that Sitting Bull's band has not reported to the reservation and the matter is turned over to the Department of the Army.

1889  Running water supplied to Buffalo for the first time.  Attribution. Wyoming State Historical Society.

1919  Friday Farming. February 1, 1919. Wyoming Stockman Farmer

1921  Elias Homstand, a Norwegian citizen living in Casper, received a patent for a reciprocating saw.

1929  Carl Sandburg gave a lecture at the University of Wyoming. Attribution:  Wyoming State Historical Society.

1943  A bill requiring pre marital tests for women signed by Gov. Hunt.  Such a bill would be regarded as an unconscionable sexist act today, but in the medical context of the time it was a rational attempt at controlling the spread of certain diseases.   Attribution:  Wyoming State Archives.

1944 Mike Enzie born in Bermerton Washington.  His father was in the service at the time, and the family returned to Thermopolis after his father's discharge following World War Two.  He has served as a Senator for Wyoming since 1997.

Enzi was been a very popular Wyoming politician.  He was a successful businessman in Gillette, first in his family's shoe store business, and then as an accountant, prior to entering politics locally.

1947  The Plains Cottonwood adopted as the State Tree.

2003  A 3.7 magnitude earthquake occurs near Casper.

2007  Montana filed suit against Wyoming and North Dakota, in the Supreme Court, which has original jurisdiction over suits between states, concerning water appropriations from the Tongue and Powder Rivers.  Oral arguments were heard on January 10, 2011, in the cause.  The Court issued its decision on May 2, 2011.


  1. In an estate a friend found a bullet labeled " Bullet that killed Pete Pajolis, Laramie Wy. Feb 3 1929". The back of the tag is typed "Exh. No. 1 O.F. Fred C Lebhart Reporter". It is almost Feb 3! Can you find out anything about Pete? Thank you.
    Judi Myers

  2. Lebhart was a Court Reporter in Laramie. From that, we can tell that this was Exhibit 1 in some sort of court proceeding, either a trial, grand jury, or a coroner's inquest. Grand juries are pretty rare in Wyoming, so it was likely a trial or an inquest.

    I can't find who Pajolis was, or haven't so far anyhow. The "O. F" is curious, as that tells us something about the exhibit. My guess is that introduction of the exhibit was objected to on the basis of lack of foundation; "Objection, Foundation." If that's right, the bullet was probably an exhibit at a trial.

    It's odd that it would have ended up as personal property. Exhibits are part of the court record until disposed of by the court, which they occasionally are. I wouldn't expect the reporter to have retained it, so perhaps it ended up as property of an attorney.
