Sunday, January 27, 2013

January 27

1878  General Philip H. Sheridan recommended the removal of the garrison at Camp Stambaugh.

1880     Thomas Edison received a patent for his electric incandescent lamp.  The concept for the invention first came to Edison while he was in Wyoming on a trip to view an eclipse.

1888   The National Geographic Society founded.

1917   The Punitive Expedtion: The withdrawal commences. January 27, 1917
U.S. forces begin their withdrawal from Mexico., thereby starting the process of leaving the country that they first entered in March, 1916.
While I've already commented on the decision to withdraw in an earlier post, and while it doesn't square with the general commentary regarding the U.S. decision to withdraw, positing this in Century Delayed Real Time has made me wonder what the sense of the event was in 1917.  Perhaps the rising specter of American involvement in the Great War greatly overshadowed to the extent it was largely consumed by that, but the news of the past week, with American National Guardsmen engaging Constitutionalist troops in combat on the border (and as we will see, the Utah National Guard actually crossing into Mexico, as well as upcoming events in the next few days, give this story a real Fall of Saigon retrospective feel to it.  It really has the aura, looking back, of collapse.  But perhaps not at the time?

1920   Wyoming ratified the Nineteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

Women could, of course, already vote in Wyoming so the ratification of the amendment to the United States Constitution providing for the same was no surprise.  There had been a bit of an effort to convene a special session for this purpose in 1919, but Governor Robert Carey declined to do that, so ratification had to wait until Governor Carey ultimately called a special session of the legislature for 1920.

1926  The  Paul Whitman Orchestra played at the University of Wyoming.

1943  Contact was reestablished with Jackson after the town had been isolated due to a snowstorm. The period of no contact was six days.

This was not really an unusual event at the time.  Prior to advancements in 4x4 vehicles, brought about due to World War Two, it was nearly impossible to remove significant amounts of snow from mountain passes, and towns located in mountain valleys were routinely cutoff from contact with the outside for days and even weeks. This was particularly true for Jackson.  Indeed, this was so much the case that a book written in the 1950s, by a screen writer who lived in the town off and on during the 40s and 50s, maintained that the "Cocktail Hour In Jackson Hole" was the entire winter, as the town was completely cutoff from the outside during that time and engaged in one huge party all winter long.  No doubt that was an exaggeration, but there was some truth to the statement.

Less romantic, an irony of the situation is that up until 1970s Jackson was not regarded as a particularly desirable place to live.  This was very much the case prior to 1950.  Prior to 1950 agriculture, together with government agencies, formed the economic base of the town, but even there the homesteads that had been filed there were very late ones and were not the most enviable to have, as the ranches in the valley had to combat the weather and were so extremely isolated.  It is only the modern 4x4 snow plow that has made Jackson the winter vacation spot it is, and by extension the home of many wealthy people.

1976   A small earthquake occurred near Rawlins.

1979  USS Yellowstone AD-41, a destroyer tender, launched.  It was decommissioned in 1996.

USS Yellowstone (the big one) with a destroyer off of Norway.

1 comment:

  1. As a total aside, for a very long time this particular entry, January 27, was one of the top most viewed threads here. It's been pushed aside by the gang of November entries that came in during election time. Those entries really flooded in as people were researching politicians or elections. What made this one one of the top ones I have not a clue.

    On overall popular posts, the November 5 entry that's pushed ahead of the others has done so in response to the search terms "Bill Clinton." That doesn't have a great deal to do with Wyoming, but it shows how these things to go. The December 7 entry is undoubtedly amongst the most popular due to people researching the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor.
