Thursday, October 3, 2013

October 3

1842   Sam Houston ordered Alexander Somervell to organize the militia and invade Mexico.  Attribution:  On This Day.

1863  President Lincoln declared that the last Thursday of November would be recognized as Thanksgiving Day.

1866  The Regular Army arrives at Ft. Casper with  troops from Company E, 2nd U.S. Cavalry arriving as reinforcements.  Attribution:  On This Day.

1879  9th Cavalry reenforced Ute besieged infantry from Ft. Fred Steele, Wyoming and cavalry from Ft. D. A. Russell, Wyoming, at Milk Creek, Colorado.

1890  The US Secretary of the Interior approved the sum of $20,000 for the survey of public lands in  Wyoming.  Attribution:  Wyoming State Historical Society.

1895  Uinta County's Sheriff John Ward arrested Bannock Indian Race Horse for "the unlawful and wanton killing of seven elk in said county on the first day of July, 1895." Race Horse was exonerated when the United States Circuit Court held that the "provisions of the state statute were inconsistent with the treaty" of July 3, 1868.  Attribution:  On This Day.

1900 Tom Horn shot rustler  Isom Dart in the head in an ambush at his gang's Routt County Colorado hideout.  Dart's companions retreated to their cabin and Horn mounted up and rode off.

1901  The Victor Talking Machine Company incorporated.

 A Victrola.

1918  Wool Shortages, the Germans retreat, the Flu is Everywhere and a Casper policeman runs amuck. The news of October 3, 1918.

Among the other grim news that Cheyenne readers of this paper learned is that wool was in such short supply, clothes were going to no longer be offered to civilians in it.

That, quite frankly, is nearly unimaginable for the time.  Most people, at least outside of the hot regions and the hot months, wore some wool everyday.

Readers of Laramie's Boomerang learned that Americans had advanced in the Argonne and the Spanish Flu had advanced into 36 states.

Or maybe it was 43 states.  It claimed, Cheyenne readers learned, a university student at Colorado State University.

One of the Casper papers had a more optimistic report on the flu.  It was wrong.

And in the other Casper paper, readers learned that a Casper policeman had gone berserk while drunk.

1941  The Wyoming Labor Journal advertised for skilled defense workers to work on Pacific Islands. . . probably not the best opportunity in retrospect.  Attribution:  Wyoming State Historical Society.

2014  I was remiss in timely noting it, but October 3 saw the 50th anniversary of the Oil Bowl. This Oil Bowl.(it's not the only one nationwide) is the cross town football match between rivals Natrona County High School and Kelly Walsh High School, both of which are undergoing massive renovation at the present time.

In this context, it's a very odd thing to realize that the last time I saw an Oil Bowl is while I was a student at NCHS, which would have been the 16th Oil Bowl.  I would have been a student there when the 17th Oil Bowl was held as well, but I didn't see that one.

 Photo from 16th Oil Bowl.

1 comment:

  1. An item on recorded music and history:
