Thursday, October 10, 2013

October 10

1872  The newspaper the "Evanston Age" established in Uinta County. Attribution:  On This Day.

1877  A West Point funeral was held for George A. Custer.

1890  A mine explosion at Almy kills one. Attribution:  Wyoming State Historical Society.

1902  Tom Horn tried for the murder of Willie Nickell.  Attribution:  On This Day.

1916   Douglas Enterprise for October 10, 1916. A letter from a Guardsman

1919  October 10, 1919. The Air Race
The 1919 Air Derby was the big news, already displacing the Red Sox's victory over what would become to be known as the Black Sox in the 1919 World Series.

The race in Wyoming, however, was marred by the news that a pilot had gone down near Elk Mountain, or more accurately sought of Elk Mountain over Oberg Pass.

The aviators were actually flying near Coad Peak, but the result was just as deadly.

Death would also be visiting a 16 year old in the state. . sentenced for murder.

And Casper was getting into the aviation world as well with plans to become the aviation center of the state.

It would in fact achieve that goal, but not for some years.  Cheyenne, in fact, would become that first, and then lose that position given its close proximity, in air miles, to Denver.

Naval base, Hampton Roads, Virginia.  October 10, 1919.

1922:   Lowell O'Bryan Memorial, University of Wyoming, Laramie Wyoming.

This is the monument to Lowell O'Bryan at the University of Wyoming.  O'Bryan was a University of Wyoming student who was topping off horses that were to be used in a celebration to greet incoming University President Arthur G. Crane when one of the horses broke and headed towards a fence and a group of students.  O'Bryan, an experienced rider, went to dismount the horse and turn it while it was breaking, which was experienced at doing, but the saddle slipped and he was thrown under the horse, receiving fatal injuries as a result.  O'Bryan's 1922 death was memorialized by this feature, which is a drinking fountain of an unusual design.

O'Bryan might also be commemorated in the murals that were formerly in the student lounge and which are now in the west ballroom of the Student Union, although that is not clear.  Several different figures in the murals may depict O'Bryan.

The lamps shown here are near the fountain are not part of its design, but rather were placed in that location in front of Old Main in 1911.

1926  This photo of a wrecker recovering a wrecked car taken.
1992  A 4.0 earthquake occurred outside of Riverton.

1 comment:

  1. Doesn't seem to me the Wrecker is in much better shape in that photo than the Wrecked!
