Wednesday, April 3, 2013

April 3

1043. Edward the Confessor crowned King of England. His death without heirs would lead to the 1066 invasions by King Harald Haadraadada and Duke William of Normandy. Edward is recognized as a Saint by the Catholic, Orthodox and Anglican Communion churches.

This may seem like a strange post here, but Duke William's invasion and defeat of Harold Godwinson would bring the Norman system of law to England, which in turn would become English Common Law.  English Common Law is the basic system of law in every US state except for Louisiana, and is the system of law by statutory adoption in Wyoming. 

1860   The Pony Express service began between St. Joseph, Missouri and San Francisco, California. In Wyoming the mail route followed the Oregon Trail.

I have to note that starting this in the month of April, given the weather on the plains, was odd.

1863  Utes attacked station garrisoned by 6th Ohio Cavalry at Sweetwater Utah.

1868  Wood cutting party near Rock Creek attacked by Indians.

1869  John A. Campbell appointed Territorial Governor by President U. S. Grant.

1897  This photograph of heavy snow and equine transportation taken by Laramie geology professor S. H. Knight.

1916   The Punitive Expedtion. Casper Daily Press for April 3, 1916

1917   The Cheyenne State Leader for April 3, 1917: US to declare war today (actually, it wouldn't).

The Cheyenne State Leader was predicting that war was going to be declared today.  They hadn't counted on Senator LaFollette delaying the vote.

President Wilson was reported as asking for a 500,000 men army. . . a fraction of what would prove to be needed in the end.  Wyoming was ready to contribute.

The Lodge scuffle of yesterday hit the Cheyenne news.

It appeared that two companies of the Wyoming National Guard were to start off the impending war guarding the Union Pacific. . . things would soon change.
The Laramie Boomerang for April 3, 1917: Senator LaFollette a Traitor?

Given the stories I've been focusing on, this one is a bit off topic, but I couldn't resist the headline declaring "Battling Bob" LaFollette a traitor for using a parliamentary move to delay the vote on President Wilson's request for a declaration of war. Seems a bit much.

The scarlet fever outbreak in Laramie seemed under control.

Winter wouldn't leave.
The Wyoming Tribune. April 3, 1917: War Action Blocked

"Battling Bob" LaFollette used a procedural move to keep the vote on Wilson's request for a Declaration of War from occurring. The vote would of course occur. Something like that was a mere delay.

Governor Houx was pleading that the state a "contingent of rough riders" to the war.  Of course, given the way the war news was reading, a person might debate if that was to fight Germany or Mexico.  But anyhow, Wyoming was looking to supply cavalry.

West Point was going to follow the Navy's lead and graduate the 1917 class of officers early.
The Casper Record. April 3, 1917: Villa is to Fight US if War with Germany

Hmmm. . . . interesting speculation on what our relationship with Mexico, or in this case one segment of Mexico, would be if war was to be declared.

And young men were being urged to joint up to fight on the high seas.

The price of sheep, important to Wyoming, was up.  And Casper was getting a new big office building as part of the World War One boom and an ice processing company.

Anyone know what building that is, by the way?  Whatever it was, it's no longer there.

The scuffle Senator Lodge had yesterday hit the headlines, giving the typesetters the rare chance to use the word "biff".


When Laramie discontinued the teaching of the German language

Getting upset with all things German had gone a bit far. 
1941  Former Governor Frank Houx died in Cody.

1970  The Point of Rocks Stage Station was added to the National Register of Historic Places.

1970  Register Cliff added to the National Register of Historic Place.

1973  The T E Ranch Headquarters, near Cody, WY, which William F. Cody had owned, was added to the National Register of Historic Places.

2020  Governor Gordon extended his Coronavirus emergency orders through April 30, and broadened their scope.  His announcement stated:

Governor, State Health Officer extend statewide Public Health Orders through April 30
Governor also Directs 14-Day Quarantine for Travelers Arriving in Wyoming from another State or Country
CHEYENNE – Governor Mark Gordon and State Health Officer Dr. Alexia Harrist have extended the three existing statewide health orders through April 30 to slow community transmission of coronavirus (COVID-19) and protect lives.

The Governor continues to emphatically state that people need to stay home whenever possible to prevent or slow the spread of the virus. These orders are meant to enforce that direction through April. Specifically, the current orders closing public places including schools, prohibiting gatherings of 10 people or more in a single room or confined space (including outdoors) and closing bars, restaurants, coffee shops and some personal services businesses will continue through April 30. Food establishments can continue to provide delivery services, but carry-out service is now required to take place curbside.

“The decision to extend these orders was made to save lives and keep people at home,” Governor Gordon said. “We are seeing community transmission of COVID-19 occur around the state and we will continue to see more confirmed cases in the weeks to come. This action will help lower the rate of transmission and protect both our healthcare system and the healthcare workers we all rely on.”

The Governor has also issued a directive requiring any individual coming to Wyoming from another state or country for a non-work-related purpose to immediately self-quarantine for 14 days. For visits fewer than 14 days, that individual must self-quarantine for the duration of the visit. The directive is intended to discourage out-of-state visitation during the pandemic and reduce the spread of COVID-19.

“We know that travel from another state or country is a source of COVID-19 infections in Wyoming," Governor Gordon said. “Visitors from neighboring states have strained the resources of many Wyoming communities so we are asking them to do the right thing to protect the health of our citizens and the resources of our rural healthcare facilities.”

Dr. Harrist noted Wyoming continues to see community spread of COVID-19 and social distancing measures remain the most effective means to slow the spread of the virus.

“We need everyone to stay home as much as possible,” Harrist said. “Anyone can spread this disease, even if they don’t yet realize they are ill.”
The updated orders and the Governor's directive can be found on the Governor's website. The directive is also attached. 
The actual order stated:

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