Monday, April 22, 2013

April 22

 Today is Earth Day

1864     Congress authorized the use of the phrase "In God We Trust" on U.S. coins.

1892  Charles Miller, age 19, executed for murder in Cheyenne. Attribution:  Wyoming State Historical Society.

1898   The Volunteer Army Act was passed to address questions about the legality of sending the militia overseas.

1899 The Rawlins newspaper announces that the Union Pacific will be bringing in Japanese workers, due to a labor shortage.

1916   The Casper Daily Press for Holy Saturday, April 22, 1916
Train robberies, something more associated with the 19th Century over the 20th Century, appear once again as the late famous series of those events in this year reoccurred in Wyoming.

And Casperites received the opportunity to appear as extras in a movie.

1918  Two men were tarred and feathered for refusing to buy Liberty Bonds in Frontier.  World War One, far more than any other 20th Century American war, saw widespread shunning and hostility towards those who opposed the war.  Actions of this type were not uncommon, but probably more effective yet was the giving of feathers to young men opposed to the war by young women, indicating to them that the women regarded them as cowards.  Statements regarded as sedition were also prosecuted in some states, under state law.  As an added factor to this, two groups of Americans, those of recent German extraction and those of recent Irish extraction entered into this era with a degree of cultural hostility towards the English, which they had to rapidly overcome given the spirit of the times.  Attribution:  Wyoming State Historical Society.

1946  Short special session of the legislature, called to deal with University of Wyoming funding issues, concludes.

1973  A magnitude 4.8 earthquake occurred in Fremont County.

2012  Today starts Preservation Week in Laramie, for this year.

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