Sunday, May 19, 2019

Railhead: Union Pacific 4014 "Big Boy" and 844, Laramie Wyoming

Railhead: Union Pacific 4014 "Big Boy" and 844, Laramie Wyoming:

Union Pacific 4014 "Big Boy" and 844, Laramie Wyoming, May 17, 2019

The Union Pacific 4014 is one of the twenty five legendary "Big Boy" locomotives built by the American Locomotive Company for the Union Pacific between 1941 and 1944.  They were the largest steam engines ever built.  4014 is one of 4884-1 class engines, that being the first class, the second being the 4884-2 class.  Only eight of the twenty five Big Boys remain and only this one, 4014, built in 1941, is in running condition.

It wasn't always.  Up until this year, none of the Big Boys, retired in 1959, were operational.  4014 in fact had been donated by the Union Pacific to a museum upon its retirement. But the UP reacquired the giant engine a few years ago and rebuilt it, and has returned it to excursion service.  Its first run in that role took place last week on a trip to Utah, and we photographed here in the Union Pacific rail yard in Laramie where it was on a day off before its anticipated return to its home in Cheyenne which will take place today, May 19, 2019.

The massive articulated train is truly a legend.

The 4014 was built as a coal fired train, with the difficult hilly terrain of the Union Pacific in Wyoming in mind.  The conversion, however, restores to steam service, but as a fuel oil burning engine.  Indeed, that type of conversion was common for steam engines in their later years.

The 4014 is a four cylinder engine that was designed to have a stable speed of up to 80 mph, although it was most efficient at 35 mph.  It was designed for freight service.

The Big Boy was traveling with two other engines in its train, one being the Union Pacific 844, and the other being a diesel engine.  I'm not certain why the 844 was part of the train, but the diesel engine was likely in it in case something broke down.  Nothing did, and the maiden run of the restored locomotive was a success.

The 844 is a Northern type engine built in 1944.  The FEF-3 class engine was one of ten that were built by the American Locomotive Company. While used for everything, the FEF series were designed for high speed passenger operations and were designed to run as fast as 120 mph.

The 844 was in service all the way until 1960. During its final years it was a fast freight locomotive.  844 never left service and after being rebuilt in 1960 it went into excursion service for the Union Pacific.

On its maiden run, the UP had a variety of class late rail cars pulled by the train, each of which is named.

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Blog Mirror. NPR: White Lies

Given the Casper connection, something of interest:

On the night of March 9, 1965, a white Unitarian minister named James Reeb was attacked on the streets of Selma by a gang of men who resented his support of black civil rights activists. Reeb died shortly after. Three men were charged with murder, but were acquitted by an all-white jury.

For over fifty years, the murder remained unsolved. By investigating this Civil Rights-era cold case, hosts Chip Brantley and Andrew Beck Grace uncover the truth about the murder of James Reeb. In the process, they confront the systems of oppression and violence that allowed the murder to happen and kept it from being solved for so long.

The investigation into Reeb’s death is as much a personal meditation on our relationship to the past as it is a search for justice that’s been long delayed.