Friday, April 13, 2012


Today we introduce a new feature, which I've entitled Sidebars.  Or rather, I'm expanding it.  I see where I already used that term for expanded features, and I'm just going to go with it.

Sidebars are conversations between counsel and the court in trials, occurring outside of the presence of the jury.  The intent it to work out  some matter that's come up.  That's not really, of course, what we're doing, but rather this is a short explanatory discussion on some topic that's raised here of unique historical importance.

Of course, like a true sidebar, you'll be getting one person's view, in that I'm writing them.  I hope to be objective, but as it's a discussion, I can't discount the fact that it is, of course, my view.  But, also like a true sidebar, the other interested parties can voice their opinions too, in the form of comments.